Hidden secrets the nightmare pc how to get extra skips
Hidden secrets the nightmare pc how to get extra skips

hidden secrets the nightmare pc how to get extra skips

Give armor 100 – give yourself a certain amount of armor Give health 100 – give yourself a certain amount of health Give extra_life – give yourself extra lives Give all – give yourself everything – all the weapons mastered,all the runes,all the equipment,everything

hidden secrets the nightmare pc how to get extra skips

Give – can give you anything and everything G_stopTime = “0” – stop time for a given time in sec G_freezeTime = “0” – freeze everything for a given time in sec Pm_noclipspeed = “50” – faster or slower noclip fly speed G_permaGodMode = “0” – godmode persists through levels UnbindAll – unbind every command attached to a button,does not unbind keys used for moving and shooting You only have to type noclip to toggle it on or off. Type g_fov 140 in the console to set your fov to 140. Either way, I had fun making this list and will continue to have fun using these commands I hope you do too. The other portion is secret options that aren’t in the setting menu. Most of them are for gameplay purposes, to either make the game easier or harder. The next sections are dedicated to listing all the commands I found useful. And no, you cannot get banned for hacking the campaign it’s literally impossible. I do not take any responsibility if you somehow go and noclip in a public game and get yourself banned. This guide is intended for single-player campaign use only. However, I would advise you not to use any gameplay-related commands in a public Battlemode match. Some of the commands are settings related and are client-side only.

Hidden secrets the nightmare pc how to get extra skips